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Fearlessness: The Story of Lisa Andersen


I opened my mailbox today to find a copy of Fearlessness: The Story of Lisa Andersen by Nick Carroll. I’m so stoked! The book is a new release on shelves this December- just in time to make a great holiday gift. Lisa, as I’m sure you know, is a four-time world champion who ran away from her home in Florida at age 16 to become the best surfer in the world. (What I didn’t know is that she lived in Virginia for a few years- my home state!) The biography retraces her childhood, her rise to fame, her life as a champion as well as a mother of two. In the preface written by Lisa herself, she says, ” In hindsight you want to go back in time and change things- do things better, with more strength or more knowledge. But hat all if it now happened as it did, it would have changed the end results. The bottom line is, I was meant to be a mother first and world champion second, and I would never change that! I have new dreams now- not about winning world titles but about giving my kids everything I can. And, of course, the one in which I find great love that lasts forever.”

I can’t wait to start reading- I’ll give a review soon. The book has been published by Chronicle and retails for $24.95

Categories: Anne's Archives, General.

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2 Responses

  1. I just bought this book too. I plan on reading it while I am on Vacation this week in Puerto Rico. I actually bought it off of Amazon for like 15 bucks! I will post some pictures of my trip when i return!


    Jenn LovelaceNovember 13, 2007 @ 3:05 pm
  2. i am really excited to read this book! Its on my christmas wishlist (i would not have time to read it now anyhow with school) Lisa Anderson and Layne Beachley are my two favorite surfers of all time

    KilekeniNovember 15, 2007 @ 2:00 pm

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